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John H. Pilling AIA

Apr 9, 2011


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John H. Pilling practiced as a project architect and principal for 22 years  before forming Pilling + Smith with Mark S. Smith.  During that time his work ranged from residential site planning to an amusement park, the MBTA's Forest Hills Station, the Hatch Shell restoration study, Apollo Computer's headquarters in Chelmsford, and the Canary Wharf Eastern Segment master plan in London, England. 

As a partner of Pilling + Smith he has worked on projects such as the St. Margaret's Hospital / St. Mary’s Women & Infants Center conversion, the New Leaf Group Home, and The Bridge Home.  His educational work includes the Neighborhood House Charter School, the Dorchester House and Denison House Day Care Centers, and the Fox Center in Haverhill. 

Mr. Pilling received a BA from Dartmouth College and a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.  He is a member of the faculty of the Boston Architectural College, has served on its Board, and chaired the BAC student affairs committee for eight years.

2 Dana Place Cambridge MA 02138-5425

617 491 2247 voice
617 491 3371 fax


Pilling + Smith Architects - 2 Dana Place - Cambridge, Massachusetts - 02138 - USA

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