Feb 9, 2010
Feb 9, 2010
BAC Long Studio - Living in the Américas - Spring 2010
This studio employs a set of skills to learn about design, Mexico’s influence on 20th century architecture and the work of Pritzker Prize Winner Luis Barragán.
The studio’s project is “Los Corrales, a Hacienda of Dreams.” The site, in the state of Jalisco, is on a portion of the Barragán family’s confiscated Hacienda near the village of El Volantín.
Spring 2010 Longstudieros
Kyle Branchesi
Keegan Carmichael
Dan Forgrase
Abby Gordon
David Haugen
Wilson Herrera
Emily Hildebrand
Joel Isaksen
Andrew Levine
Stephanie Lopez
Luis Montalvo - faculty
Emilie Pickering
John Pilling - faculty
Joe Stromer